Establishing and reviewing regulations and policies

Services provided: Identification and characterization of the different services provided by the power system; analysis of international information on best practices in key aspects of power service regulation and tariff-setting; workshops and discussion sessions with key participants; analysis of transmission charges and distribution of the added value used by the regulator; development of a strategy to define structures that allow setting tariffs to identify and recognize the costs of each segment of the power system; contemplate the effects of subsidies and/or other charges external to the electricity service; analysis of the impact of modification recommendations resulting in the tariffs; development of guidelines for an ordered transition between the current situation and the one proposed in the tariff area; and capacity building.

Clients: Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE); WB for the Electricity Regulatory Commission of Honduras (CREE); Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of Jordan; Energy Regulatory Commission of Mexico (CRE) and CEB Mauritius.